Honors his father
This past month I had the privilege of Presenting my dad “Chief David Raska” with his retirement award from the Radcliffe Fire Department. He served the RFD for 43 years, which I had the pleasure of serving next to him for 25 of those years. During this time, I served under him as Chief for 12 years and he served under me as Chief for 12 years. It’s interesting how the world works on numbers. I’d like to take this opportunity to say Congratulations Dad and Thank You for your service to the Radcliffe Fire Department.
This past month we said our goodbyes to three of our IFA past presidents as Nick Riley, Cliff Renslow and Ron Wilson all passed away recently. Our condolences go out to all their families, friends, and fellow firefighters as they mourn the loss of their loved ones.
It’s been another busy month at the Capitol as our LOSAP and Tire bill made it through sub and full committee and is currently waiting floor debate. HSB126 is a bill from the governor that restructures many departments within the state. The part that concerns us is the restructuring of the State Fire Marshal’s Office. If this bill passes, it will be devastating to the fire service. If you haven’t already, take some time to understand this bill and reach out to your legislatures with your concerns. We’ve made multiple trips to the capitol this year attending committee meetings and talking with our legislators, but we need all of you to make our voice as loud as possible with calls and emails. Thank you to all that have sent messages, it does make a difference.
Coming up soon is the 2nd Annual IFA Golf tournament April 29th at 9 a.m., Lincoln Valley Golf Course in State Center. The proceeds from this event goes towards our legislative PAC fund. If you’d like to sponsor the event, contact 3rd VP Kent Brix. Until next time serve with pride!
Chuck Raska,
IFA Presiden
Chief David Raska Retires
Chief David Raska retired after 43 years of service to the community of Radcliffe. Dave was honored at RFD’s annual appreciation supper for his dedicated service to the RFD, serving 12 years as Chief from 1999 to 2011.
During his time on the department, he was a major part of building a new tanker in ‘86, and building the new Emergency Services Center in ‘96.
As Chief he wrote and received multiple grants, updating our SCBA’s in ‘05 and a new tanker in ‘06, which financially allowed him to update the two pumpers and grass truck as well. He stepped back in 2011 as his son Chuck took over as Chief but has remained an active member ever since. Congratulations Dave and thank you for your service.