Thoughts from An Older Firefighter

   What month is this? It’s November and that means that winter is truly just around the corner. I’m not ready for snow and cold, but after watching what so many residents of Florida, Carolina’s, have gone through the past couple of months, I’m not complaining. Our thoughts and prayers are with so many fellow firefighters and their families. 

   On a sad note, Father Dan Juelfs passed away in September. I realize most of you did not know Father Dan. Father Dan was what I would like to say was the first real fire chaplain we had in Pennington County. Father Dan was there on so many fires, to see if the families needed something or did the firefighters need a friendly smile. Father Dan had his own pager, helmet and even his own pager tones. He was an important part of many lives. Rest in peace Father Dan, your legacy still lives. 

   If you were one of the lucky ones who attended the SD Firefighters Assn. fall conference in Fort Pierre the last weekend of September it was great wasn’t it! Great presentations by LJay Geist and Dennis Reilly. The Fall Conference is a little less structured, terrific opportunity to visit with other firefighters, talk to some vendors, enjoy an adult beverage and just relax. The Dear Old Timers is always a hoot to see how so many of us look just like we did 30 years ago.

   Of course, on Saturday afternoon we held the annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service. Forty firefighters have died in the line of duty in South Dakota. Forty firefighters who never went home to their families, loved ones, work or the fire department. Forty firefighters, where hundreds said, “we won’t forget you Brother.” Sadly, many of those Forty firefighters have been forgotten. We say their name, we honor them, we place a rose in their memory, the bagpiper and honor guard remember them, firefighters stand at attention, flags fly from aerial trucks. They all honor and remember. However, too many don’t. 

   When I visit with other firefighters around the state, the talk seems to end up discussing how the number of firefighters responding to calls has changed. I remember in years past departments could provide a crew for a truck on the many wildland and forest fires for sometimes days on end. Nowadays departments struggle sometimes to get enough responders to cover their own calls, let alone mutual aid for days. As one of those firefighters who has been around for a little bit I wonder if we are setting the right stage for these newer, younger, and eager firefighters. If I don’t respond, are they saying to themselves, “why should I respond?”  Just a thought. 

   The 2025 SDFA Membership dues letters and information will be coming to you very soon. Take a look at your roster, please update it, PLEASE add all the emails for your members that have email. The monthly newspaper will be going out digitally starting in January and we must have their email. Also, there will be a change in the address you mail your membership dues to. I am stepping down as the treasurer and so the PO BOX 1884 will be replaced. Check your computer program and update it to reflect this new address, which will be noted in a mailing. 

   With that I’ve rambled way too long. Be safe, take care of yourself and those most important to you.

Dennis Gorto

SDFA Treasurer and Past President 



Blaze Publications, Inc.

Jeff Gargano - Editor
P.O. Box 122
Humboldt, IA 50548

News and Advertising: News and advertising deadlines are the 15th of each month for the next month's issue.


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